Rahm Emanuel = Barack Obama's Ari Gold. Hatchet man, bad cop, and actually... Ari Emanuel's older brother.

Ari Gold, left. Rahm Emanuel, right.

  • His DC nickname is "Rahmbo"
  • The guy's favorite word is "fuck" and its many variations
  • Designated bad cop for Barack Obama... also known as Chief of Staff.
  • Volunteered in the Israeli military during the first Gulf War in 1991
  • Once mailed a rotting fish to a former colleague.
  • Told Fortune magazine's Nina Easton that he trash-talked President Bush about his mountain biking, trying to goad him into stepping it up to a triathlon and telling Bush he could wear water wings for the swimming segment if he needed them
  • His little brother is Ari Emanuel, the Hollywood superagent on whom Ari Gold's (Jeremy Piven) character on Entourage is based.

If that's his little brother, check out what big brother is going to do...

Finally, the Democrats are bringing the strong sauce.

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