Best Buy charges $70 extra for optimization, as if your computer was like your car.

This is an example of the 'new computer setup' form that gets filled out when you buy a new computer at Best Buy.

Are we buying consumer electronics, or are we getting our car serviced? Because it seems like one way or another, we're getting fleeced.

Consumerist has the inside scoop on the $70 scam of 'pre-optimized computers' that Best Buy has been trying to pass off as a product. All they do is remove some of the Norton crapware that come pre-installed. Isn't that funny? In a mad grab for more consumer dollars, the consumer electronics apparatus has created scam upon scam, first with computer makers over-monetizing their out-of-box experience with absurd preinstalls, and then with retailers charging $70 on top of the whole thing to uninstall it.

Insanity piled upon depravity, is this how the computer industry plans to eke out extra profit?