There are basically two kinds of people I follow -- constant updaters and occasional updaters. The occasional updaters really get no love in the existing Twitter scheme of things. I follow lots of cool startups for instance, like @heyzap, @uservoice, or @doloreslabs, for instance, that I never see in my twitter stream. But they update only once every few days. It's kind of a big deal when they update. And I follow them because I want to see their updates. But right now I might as well not follow them, because the effect is the same: I don't see their stuff. It'd be nice if in a given day, i could just get a threaded view of people's updates. So that I don't miss the updates of the less frequent updaters, but I can still read the full streams of people I care about. Facebook can do a good job of this because their algorithm for showing newsfeed stories can be tuned to show less of frequent updaters and more of infrequent updaters. But Twitter has nothing like it. This could be a cool weekend project for somebody, even. Take a hashtable lookup of number of tweets per day per user, and then just do a sort that is based on recency and tweets per day. Use the twitter API to grab a user's recent tweet stream, and update a couple times an hour, and more if the user is actively on the page. I'd use it. Would you?