Living the Dream: Clocky (1 lone designer/entrepreneur) = $2 million revenue in 2008

It's the entrepreneur's dream. Come up with a great idea for a product, build it, and they will come. But for Gauri Nanda, it's true.  Inc Magazine reports that 2008 revenues were projected to be over $2 million. It's an alarm clock that rolls off the table and demands that you find it somewhere in your room when it goes off in the morning. Designed for a class project at MIT's Media Lab, the project was an overnight hit once she sourced online through

The commercial success of the product was largely launched off of coverage by engadget, gizmodo and boingboing. Pretty amazing what this new attention economy means for entrepreneurs. A compelling story suddenly can build value massively, just for the sheer fact that people surf their RSS readers constantly while at work.

Now that's inspiring. Her next challenge is to figure out how to turn this great success story into an enduring business for Nanda Home, her design firm. I can't wait to hear what's next.