Startup School 2008 - Thanks for a great day, Y Combinator! (a day in photos)

Startup School was an amazing event. I've never seen such a great assemblage of talent in one room before. It was a pleasure and honor to be there, and many thanks go to Jessica Livingston, Paul Graham, and Y Combinator for it all together, and for no charge.

The speakers included:

Sam Altman
Founder, Loopt

Marc Andreessen
Founder, Ning, Opsware, Netscape; Creator of Mosaic

Michael Arrington
Editor, TechCrunch

Jeff Bezos

Paul Buchheit
Founder, FriendFeed; Creator of GMail

Paul Graham
Partner, Y Combinator; Founder, Viaweb

David Heinemeier Hansson
Creator of Rails; Partner, 37Signals

David Lawee
Vice President of Corporate Development, Google; Founder, Xfire

Jack Sheridan
Partner, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati

Greg McAdoo
Partner, Sequoia Capital

Peter Norvig
Director of Research, Google

Photos from the event are below. If anyone would like high resolution versions I'd be happy to provide them, email me at garrytan [at]